
Thanks for visiting my website. I'm based at Hub Studios in Liverpool. The Hub Studios website is:www.hubstudios2.co.uk You can also find me on Instagram at:

My email is: stebay66@yahoo.co.uk Please let me know if you are interested in any of my artwork, a commission, or are a gallery and feel I can add to your portfolio with existing pieces or a new collection.

I exhibit in various places each year and am a member of Wirral Society of Arts, dot-art - the Liverpool artists' agency, and Liverpool Urban Sketchers.

In 2023 I was runner up in SAA magazine's Artist of the Year competition. In 2024 I have been selected as a finalist.

Check out my new gallery page which gives you some information about my joint venture - Astrobods books for children! Written by me and illustrated by my good friend and top illustrator/artist, George Jones.